rexx systems
HR Data Warehouse
rexx systems
HR Data Warehouse
rexx systems

HR Data Warehouse.

Are you interested in key figures such as staff turnover rates, headcount development, FTE or sick days per employee? Do you need reports on the age structure or salary development of your workforce? An overview of incoming job applications or different working time models?

Then rexx HR Data Warehouse is just right for you!

rexx systems

HP key figures – statistics – charts – KPIs: simple, fast and flexible

At the touch of a button, the statistics and key figures in rexx Recruitment let you see, for example, how many applicants have been processed in the last few months, how many interviews have been conducted and from which source successful candidates come – up to date and accessible from wherever you are.

You also have the option of exporting the data directly to Excel. You can save newly defined reports conveniently so that they are accessible at any time at a click of the mouse. And the data is available for retrieval at flexible intervals, either for the entire company or for individual organizational levels. This is also how you make KPIs available to the different managers according to hierarchical access rights.

Display your reports as a graph

Do you require information about the age and employment structure of your workforce? One click and you have access to the desired key figures in a report for any period of time, organisational unit or employee group – always up to date. And the integrated rexx Diagrams provides you with a graphical presentation of your report. Everything at a glance in seconds!

Would you like to display your employment structure as a pie chart or represent the development of people joining and leaving the company graphically? Paste your individual quarterly report into a presentation as a chart?

It’s easy with rexx Diagrams! The selected key figures are presented directly in rexx HR as a graph, bar or pie chart.

Data Warehouse