rexx systems
Employee survey
rexx systems
Employee survey
rexx systems

Employee surveys improve corporate culture

The rexx Suite module “surveys” offers a wide range of application options for collecting moods and opinions from employees and is available in both the desktop version and the rexx Go app.

The employee survey solution integrated into the rexx Suite relieves HR managers and supervisors of all additional master data and interface maintenance efforts. An enormous relief and quality improvement compared to stand-alone employee survey software or conventional solutions via paper or Excel.

The rexx survey software offers:

  • Event-related surveys:
    Get people’s digital feedback on upcoming events, changes, planning, decisions or events!

  • Feedback survey on events/seminars:
    Training, further education or e-learning are organized via the learning management system. With the survey software you receive direct feedback on learning content, learning success, lecturers and location of the event. The employee survey offers special support and evaluations for the “effectiveness control” required as part of quality management to assess the success and sustainability of training or further education.

  • Employee Listening / Continuous Listening:
    These buzzwords related to “permanent listening” mean the regular and spontaneous opportunity to provide employees with digital tools for feedback on mood, satisfaction, working environment, team, superiors, needs or for their own suggestions and wishes. In classic event-driven employee surveys with broad cycles, a gap can arise in the current situation in which employee satisfaction, commitment and engagement have changed without superiors and the company consciously registering this. Here, employee listening helps to identify trends in teams or entire companies in a timely manner and thus be able to take countermeasures.

rexx systems

Employee survey tool with flexible designs

The employee survey module of the rexx software offers maximum design freedom. Questions can be defined with many answer systems, be it e.g. B. a selection box, number fields or a free text answer.

The digital questionnaire is largely freely designed. Any answer options can be offered to choose from or questions can be illustrated with graphics. For answers, you can optionally work with rating systems specifically for feedback so that you receive qualified feedback on the number of answers.

The integrated questionnaire allows even inexperienced users to quickly create professional surveys and receive meaningful evaluations. The easy-to-adapt and expand questionnaire is the basis for evaluating multiple surveys with the same questions at different times. In this way, developments and changes automatically become visible.

rexx systems

Anonymous employee survey

Anonyme Mitarbeiterbefragung

Anonymous employee surveys often lead to more honest feedback. This can be easily configured with the survey module. Real anonymous surveys require extensive employee data. The more extensive the evaluation options are, the more effective the anonymization functions must be.

For example, if an evaluation is to be carried out according to age groups, the anonymization functions must ensure that all selections for these characteristics contain a sufficient number of answers to ensure anonymity.

If the target group of the employee survey were, for example: For example, if there were only one participant of a certain age group, then one could easily draw conclusions about the answers of this one employee by evaluating the age group, even if the survey was actually supposed to be anonymous.

In the rexx suite, unlike many simple tools for employee feedback, anonymity is guaranteed down to the lowest data level through sophisticated algorithms.

Even a system administrator who has access to the database and could thus bypass authorizations on the application side cannot break anonymity in the rexx survey tool – this is not possible even for rexx technicians.

rexx systems

That’s why integrated survey tools are better

Protecting anonymity while providing strong evaluations only works if the system has all current employee data. This cannot be mastered with a stand-alone employee survey tool. The high level of integration of the rexx Suite, on the other hand, delivers “free delivery”, consistently ISO certified and EU GDPR compliant.

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In contrast to external survey software, integrated survey tools such as the rexx Suite module can access extensive and, above all, always up-to-date employee data:

Age, length of service, team membership, employment relationship, job family, etc. This enables powerful evaluations and the reliable localization of possible areas of action – even in anonymous surveys.

rexx systems

Monitor processes during employee surveys

One challenge with employee surveys is motivating employees to actually complete and complete the survey. This does not apply to permanent employee listening, but to surveys that must be completed by a specific point so that a final evaluation can be carried out and a decision can be made, for example:

“Should the summer party take place in the beach club or on the Alster?”

Mitarbeiterbefragung Umfrage

The rexx Suite offers numerous functions here, starting with the home page of the application, where an incomplete survey remains at the top of the “What’s new?” widget until the user has actually finished processing the survey.

Every time you log into the rexx Suite, which happens daily and even several times a day when using time tracking, the user is reminded to process the survey.

The same applies to users of the rexx Go app, where unedited surveys are also prominently remembered each time they are accessed. The response rate here is much higher than with external employee surveys.

rexx systems

Analyze survey results

The advantage of a survey tool integrated in the rexx Suite is, on the one hand, the always up-to-date employee data and the options to address employees as usual via the suite and, for example, to remember the processing.

The other serious advantage is being able to correlate the survey results with other personnel and organizational data from the rexx Suite.

Auswertung Mitarbeiterbefragung

Using modern diagrams, you can easily visualize the results of ongoing surveys as part of employee listening on employee satisfaction and track down trends.

Here is the example question “How do you assess the opportunities for further training in the job?”, with the answers filtered by length of service 2-5 Years:

Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit Zeitverlauf
rexx systems

Quick surveys for everyone through polls

You don’t always need the complex display and answer options as well as the comprehensive evaluations and diagrams of the survey software. We know from social networks such as LinkedIn or Facebook that it is possible to create a simple survey. The design options here are very limited, but quite sufficient for simple queries.

In the suite, such a vote is started in the so-called stream, which forms the heart of the rexx social network. When defining the vote, all functions of a rexx social post are available: reception circle, attaching attachments and images, hashtags, links and comments.

Mitarbeiterbefragung im sozialen Netzwerk
Test your new employee survey software now for free