rexx systems
Performance potential matrix
Leistung Potenzial Matrix
rexx systems
Performance potential matrix
rexx systems

Performance potential matrix

The performance potential matrix is an important instrument of talent management and is used in particular to plan employee development measures and succession.

It is usually developed in discussions of the personnel situation or personnel evaluations by the managers of the corporate unit.

The identification of talent is transparent and the staff can be promoted accordingly.

rexx systems

Employee performance software provides better visualization

The classification of an employee’s performance (X-axis) and potential (Y-axis) is traditionally divided into nine quadrants.

The rexx matrix can also be defined as a 4×4 or 3×5 or XxY matrix – however, we recommend limiting it to 3×3 quadrants for ease of use. Employees can easily be assigned to a desired quadrant of the matrix in the employee file or using placeholders in the personnel discussions module.

The classic performance-potential matrix consists of the dimensions performance and potential. With the representation as a bubble diagram, the rexx matrix offers two additional dimensions, namely the number of people per segment and the chronology in a modern design.

In an ideal matrix, we would like to see our talents in the top right squares.

Beispiel Leistung-Potenzial-Matrix

Talent management with the performance potential matrix

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Employee performance software that recognizes talent and promotes potential

The size of the bubble reflects the number of people in each quadrant of the matrix. The bigger the bubble, the more people.

This means you can see at a glance where the company stands in terms of talent development and where action needs to be taken.

The second new dimension in the rexx Grid is time – i.e. the historical development of the respective quadrants. With one click you can switch to the different time intervals to evaluate the changes over time.

In our video on the performance-potential matrix, we show in quick detail how the rexx tool works. It is easy to see whether and how employee development measures have had an effect.

Ideally, the bubbles in the top right corner grow and the bubbles in the bottom left corner shrink.

Then our talent pool expands – and that’s exactly what we want to achieve. If we then manage to keep the risk of talent leaving the company low, we will be well positioned with our talent management.

rexx systems

Keep the risk of exit low with an employee performance management software

Filters make it possible to obtain an overview of the distribution of talent both for the entire company and for a self-defined group of people. Filters can be, for example: job family, employment relationship, staff group, length of service.

When you mouse over a talent circle in the matrix, further information appears: the number of employees in this circle, the overall percentage and the risk of leaving. Clicking on a circle takes you to the defined group of people.

In order to always keep the data up to date, it is possible to set up process control via workflows and reminders, for example as part of rexx conversation management. This means that the personnel classification can be updated regularly – usually by managers. In addition to the performance-potential matrix, you can switch to a graphical representation of the exit risk using the “View” filter.

Overall, thanks to the history, these two graphics show how the company’s personnel are developing in terms of the classification of talent and the assessment of the risk of leaving.

Potential analyzes can be carried out on areas and personnel groups in which the risk of leaving is particularly high or low. The effectiveness of measures to reduce the risk of leaving or to further develop talent can also be traced historically using various limitations.

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