rexx systems news​

Winner Karls Markt donates 2,000 euros to the cancer foundation Cancel Cancer e.V.

At the end of August, Karls Markt OHG won first prize in the rexx Recruiting Award and received a donation budget of 2,000 euros. This money will now be donated in full to the Cancel Cancer e.V. cancer foundation, which is dedicated in particular to paediatric cancer research.

Timo Wentzel, Chairman of the Board at Cancel Cancer e.V., says:

Timo Wentzel

“We are very pleased with this donation because it makes our work more visible and emphasises the issue of childhood cancer. I am particularly pleased that the donation comes to us from our network. A mother affected by the disease brought us to the attention of the award team.”


“This is a wonderful moment not only to celebrate the award, but also to make an important contribution to the fight against cancer. We are delighted to support this important work”,
Ulrike Dahl, Management Personnel & Karls Academy, Karls Markt OHG.

Ulrike Dahl

With the rexx Recruiting Award, rexx systems recognises particularly creative recruiting campaigns. We are all the more pleased when the winners support projects such as Cancel Cancer e.V. with the donation budget. Their work is more important than any job advert.

About the Karls Markt recruiting campaign

To mark the opening of its new experience village in Döbeln, Karls Markt organised three job days there, including social media promotions and immediate recruitment. With success: even before the first job day, there were more than 300 applications, and in the end a total of 245 positions were filled. The company was honoured with first prize at the rexx Recruiting Award.

2024 marked the seventh edition of the rexx Recruiting Award, which once again recognised outstanding achievements and creative approaches in recruiting. We will be presenting the rexx Recruiting Award again in 2025 and you can take part with your campaign. The submission phase is expected to start in spring. We will inform you here as soon as the time has come.

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