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Enterprise 2.0 – If you just knew what your company knows

Enterprise 2.0 refers to the future-oriented use of social technologies and dynamic management methods. The aim is to breathe life into what today is mainly a static intranet, to link customers, departments and employees, hence fostering company knowledge. In-house networks are frequently and gladly used these days. As a form of communication link, they are no longer a trend. They are pretty much here to stay. Lots of companies have realised that “a company’s extra knowledge” secures a decisive competitive advantage. Or to put it concisely:

To make sure everything (knowledge) can be found and used, everything that can be digitised should be transformed accordingly.

HR frequently (again) gets locked out when it comes to key issues like this, or looks the other way or falls behind. It is rare for HR to take over as an active driving force. Was that formulated too hard? Whatever the case, please note the following: numerous studies show that HR is not well positioned in this topic. While IT may be the driver, it still fails to succeed, because it forgets to take the employees – and HR – with it on this important internal journey. The following appeal, therefore: Dear HR officer, please position yourself! Now! You have all the levers available here to support your company in its transformation. Explain to everyone from the management to the doorman why it is important to acquire knowledge and distribute it.

Change, communication and enabling: these are the parameters for successfully establishing and implementing an Enterprise Social Network. Everyone needs to be involved here: the management (without their support it won’t work), departments, the works council, IT suppliers/service providers and Marketing.

Internet of Things/Using social technologies

In business and especially in sales, the Internet of Things will soon be the norm. Yet many are still not familiar with the existence of this expression. The Internet of Things closes or minimises information gaps between the real and the virtual world.

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The proliferation of so-called “wearables” (mini computers) will accelerate this trend. This may sound abstract and remote from everyday life.

However, several examples show that this is no longer science fiction:

  • Today already, parcel tracking helps to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Machines or cars automatically report worn parts and trigger a repeat order
  • In the health sector, radio wristbands fitted with an app are linked to an individual’s health insurance

Below, a few more examples that already exist today:

  • The SmartWatch: although still in its early days, it will become another important communications channel in future
  • WhatsApp: Widespread as an online service and getting stronger: do you already have a communications or recruitment strategy in place for this medium?
  • Re-targeting: online advertising is targeted at the surfing habits of the potential buyer/applicant on the net
  • Augmented reality: in the meantime, companies are relying on this option to provide potential employees with a 360-degree view of their company at job fairs. So, get your goggles on and let’s go.

You can probably only imagine what this could mean for HR development. New blended learning concepts are needed here. This allows you to distinguish yourself from other market competitors and get the attention you want. Which is what it is all about.

Social Networks

  • Is your communication focused on new media?
  • Are your specialists actively involved in recruitment?
  • What focus does your employer branding take?
  • How do you feel about the subject yourself?

If you were unable to answer one or more of these questions convincingly, then you now know where your deficits lie, which that you can convert into benefits. Take a good look at the following aspects:

  • Where, in which digital media on the Internet, does my target group hang out?
  • How do I communicate with my future employees?
  • What adjustments do I need to make to the focus of my current recruitment strategy?
  • Does a referral program make up part of this and what does it look like?
  • What measures have we already implemented?
  • Where action is still needed (processes, personnel, tools)?

The following applies here: think – do! Act and define your strategic goals including the corresponding success parameters!

For digital business, it is essential to deal with the above points, so that you are well positioned for future development in your business sector. Symbolically speaking, this is not a sprint but a long-distance run. But if you do take this route, you will succeed. And this is not a question of budget, as is often argued: it depends on your will. Digitisation presents many opportunities, particularly too small to medium-sized enterprises, because: “The fast eat the slow”, so: be quick and clever – take the leap into the digital age! Once you have chosen to do so, you generally need a set of social media guidelines. Interestingly enough, in my internal workshops I often find out that many a social media strategy is already in place, without hardly anyone knowing about it. Let alone that HR has broken it down for themselves and the entire workforce has picked it up.

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