rexx systems news​

rexx Customer Forum: exchange of experiences with 2,000 other companies

For users of rexx systems software, there are also many options following implementation to get information on how to use the software and its scope to ensure you stay up to date and to allow you to ask questions if anything is unclear. Helpful user tips directly from practical experience!

rexx KundenforumIn addition to the free and personal telephone support of our Customer Advisory Team during our business hours and the ticket system for direct answers, there has also been a rexx Customer Forum since spring 2019. As a user of our software, you can share knowledge about everyday functions or your best-practice experiences with rexx. Here our customers help each other and find out how other users work with rexx!

Share and increase your knowledge

You can both share and your knowledge in our rexx Customer Forum, whether it concerns rexx HR or rexx Recruitment. Questions about the finest jobs job board are also discussed and answered. You will receive all information regarding new software updates and can have discussions with other users, in addition to the rexx team, naturally.


You can find the start page for the forum on the familiar rexx software tiles and can always get a quick overview of the latest contributions in your area. Amongst others, they are divided into rexx HR, rexx Recruitment, finest jobs and Update Info.

Never miss an update!

You can find out all the latest information on updates in “Update Info”. Here, our team will provide you with information about all the new features of our software and explain them to you clearly, if necessary using screenshots, short clips and precise descriptions. You will continue to receive more extensive updates by email. Information on older updates are stored in the archive in PDF form.

You can share information and ask questions about the individual postings in each of the areas. They will be answered by our rexx team as quickly as possible, but you can also contribute your own personal knowledge as a user too.

Have you got a specific question about a subject? Perhaps this subject has already been discussed? Simply use the search function for this and carry out a targeted search for existing forum contributions – you may find the right answer right there. A message function has also been integrated into our forum. You thus have the possibility to get in contact with others and to exchange personal messages.

Our customers discuss – also offline

rexx systems Bestandskundenforum rexxperience 2018 (above) and the rexx core customers’ breakfast

If you would prefer to communicate offline rather than online, we recommend you take part in the rexxperience or one of our HR Round Tables. Core customer breakfast sessions in Munich, Stuttgart und Hamburg are still to come this year.

At these and other events, we provide our customers with the opportunity to share their experiences with rexx and to make contacts. Within the scope of discussions and workshops, you gain free practical tips and information from our experienced consultants.

Irrespective of how, there are many alternatives to share information about rexx solutions or get help to find solutions. So register in our Customer Forum right away and benefit from the hive mind of our users.

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